When Religion Teaches That You Are Sinful

religious programming self care self trust Nov 15, 2022

It's so common after leaving high demand religion to now wonder, “Why am I *still* so against myself in every way?!” The truth is, that is exactly how we’d expect you to feel given your religious programming. When religion trained you to disconnect from yourself and your inner intuition, convincing you that your:

  • Natural desires are bad
  • Humanity is sinful
  • Heart can’t be trusted

...it leaves deeply lasting effects that do not instantly go away just because you have left religion. Unfortunately it is NOT an easy switch to go into complete self trust from here. It’s not impossible by any means but building self trust does take time. It’s why we talk A LOT about the Whole Self at Happy Whole Way (psst: have you taken our quiz yet?). 

 We believe you have these five components within yourself (the very things that religion told you to mistrust!) that are full of inner resources and gifts.

Using the innate wisdom of these components, here are 5 ways that you can start creating this new relationship between you and self trust:

  1. Listen to your body more. 
  2. Learn what the actual  messages of your emotions are.
  3. Use your thoughts to point you to your deep beliefs.
  4. Understand the unique ways your religious programming shows up now.
  5. Make sacred space to listen to your opinions about things.

Remember this: Growing self trust is a skill that you were never taught and so it will take some time to learn how to reacquaint yourself with ALL parts of you now. And the greatest tool you can learn while you grow in this is how to be gentle on yourself. Reframing how you speak and relate to yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself as you build self trust.

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